Christian Joschko




Christian is an enthusiastic MD/PhD student at the University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands. He is deeply engaged in the study of mitochondrial function and metabolic processes. His fascination with mitochondria and metabolism was kindled in the lab of experimental pharmacology during his bachelor's degree, where he investigated the protective mechanisms in hibernating species against cold-induced stress. Under the supervision of Dr. Leo Deelman and Dr. Rob Henning, his PhD research delves into the role of transsulfuration and hydrogen sulfide signalling in aging and the development of metabolic diseases. Recently, Christian joined the Haigis lab to further his studies in mitochondrial biology, focusing on the metabolic shifts in proliferative cells during aging.

Hobbies: Cooking and Chess.

Fun fact: In his leisure time, Christian enjoys exploring small breweries in the area, maintaining a connection to his German culture and counterbalancing his scientific endeavors.